“This Is Not Over” – Sorting Truth from Deception in YMCA Blame Game

by | Oct 10, 2022 | General | 22 comments

“This is not over,” Julie Jaman told the Port Townsend City Council on October 3, 2022.

At that meeting Katie Daviscourt, a reporter with Rebel News, confronted Mayor David Faber with his own words about having sex with dead chickens and a dog, and declaring that, “As mayor, I am legally required to be a pervert and deviant.” Faber has yet to explain using his title as mayor in connection with such statements.

Women’s rights advocate Amy E. Sousa addressed council about sexism and the misogynist lies of transgender ideology. She promised she would be back to seek council’s support for a declaration like the one it issued to “especially” recognize people who have declared themselves a man though born a woman, and vice versa. The forthcoming declaration, Sousa said, would call upon council to stand up for women and girls. Will Port Townsend City Council lift up women and girls as much as it has wrapped its arms around people who say they are transgender?

Earlier that day Daviscourt had attempted to deliver to the YMCA more than ten thousand signatures on a petition circulated by Rebel News to “Let Julie Swim.” But the Y and Mountain View Pool were again closed. Was another day of locked doors and dimmed lights due to lack of staffing or to duck Daviscourt?

The Mountain View Pool has been closed quite a bit since August 2 when we published the first story on how Jaman — an 80-year old woman who had been using the pool for much of her life — was banned for stating her objection to a man in the women’s showers. Jaman encountered “Clementine” Adams in a woman’s swimsuit when she was naked. She states she saw him watching little girls in states of undress. Jaman has also said he was leering at the little girls. She told him to get out and repeated herself to the Y’s pool manager who had entered the room. Unknown to Jaman at the time, this man was a Y employee who in March of this year decided he would henceforth be a woman. He acknowledges he is biologically still quite male and “interested in women.”

Adams, we learned from his interview on a Stitcher podcast, never returned to work. Thus Jaman accomplished her objective of getting him out of the women’s showers. The Y has since been advertising an opening for an “Aquatics Program Lead,” the title of the person who banned Jaman on the spot, as she stood naked and wet from her shower. As we reported, both the male employee in the woman’s bathing suit and the aquatics manager failed to safeguard children in accordance with basic YMCA policy and the common sense of anyone with the slightest concern about the dignity, privacy and safety of women and children.

Adams gave his only public statement in that Stitcher podcast that we wrote about on September 10. His admissions hurt himself and his former employer. Public officials for their part (the pool is public property, owned by the school district and leased to the city) have chosen to hide behind a bland and inaccurate statement drafted by City Manager John Mauro. That statement repeats the smear that Jaman had a history of misbehavior that justified her permanent banishment — allegations never explained or supported by the plentiful documents we were once assured existed. Two months after publicly spreading accusations that Jaman had a history of misconduct, the Y still has not told even Jaman, let alone her attorneys or the media, what horrible things she allegedly did that justified barring an elderly woman from using a public pool to keep up her health and fitness.

The Mayor distinguished himself by excreting infantile and sick comments on Twitter that have made Port Townsend a national embarrassment. His glib and cruel dismissal of the concerns of rape victims prompted the women’s press conference on August 15 that turned into an ugly mob scene more fitting of Portland and Seattle than the “welcoming” laid-back Victorian seaport and arts community of Port Townsend. His comment the day after older women were knocked to the ground outside City Hall — that the previous evening’s confrontation had been “beautiful” — only further fanned flames, leading to the September 3 rally by members of the Proud Boys and Washington Three Percenters who cast themselves as champions of women and free speech.

There was at least one gun among the mob on August 15 assaulting women’s rights advocates. According to law enforcement sources, there were plenty of guns on both sides at the September 3 rally. An overwhelming law enforcement presence, including a police spotter on City Hall’s roof and the Washington Highway Patrol Rapid Deployment Team at the ready, kept things quiet and even comical. At one point, a burly Three Percenter danced with willowy counter-protestors to The Village People’s iconic “YMCA.” A more recent version of that tune, adapted specifically to the Julie Jaman/YMCA controversy, was released this summer by comedian Mr. Menno. Called “Y Chromosome.” It’s cringey and wickedly funny.

It has been an interesting past couple of months, and as Jaman promised, it’s not over.

On October 6, Daviscourt returned to the Mountain View Pool with a camera crew, Sousa and Jaman. Daviscourt was attempting again to deliver more than 10,000 signatures on the petition calling for the Y to “Let Julie Swim.” As of this writing the signatures on that petition now exceed 11,000.

Daviscourt checked to make sure the pool would be open. It was, but minutes later, a sign went up banning media from entering. The doors were locked and it went dark inside. When Daviscourt knocked, a business card for the Y’s communication director along with the sexist pink and blue banner of the trans movement (remember when boy/girl stereotypes were condemned?) were slipped through the door. Minutes after that the Y called police and the women were ordered to leave and threatened with arrest if they returned. Daviscourt’s video report may be viewed here.

Enter Councilor Wennstrom

Port Townsend City Councilor Libby Wennstrom

Which brings us to Port Townsend City Councilor Libby Wennstrom. Following the August 15 mobbing of older women who were calling for respect for women’s dignity and safety, she posted on her Facebook page a call to expel all “TERFS” from Port Townsend. That acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists has become a sexist term used to justify violence and threats against women who do not buy into the fiction that a man or boy — human males — can magically become a woman or girl — human females — by snapping their fingers and switching around the blue and pink in their wardrobe. Ana Wolpin covered that bit of hate-mongering from Wennstrom in her article, City Officials Lead Hate Campaign Against Women.”

Wennstrom’s Facebook post with the tagline “Libby Urner Wennstrom updated her cover photo.”

Wennstrom removed the post once The Free Press reported on it here and at our Facebook page. Her comments, which were partially preserved by one of our readers, show an even deeper malevolence, particularly towards Sousa. Wennstrom later said she “never intended it to go public, but in retrospect as a public official she doesn’t think she should have posted it.” She only meant to share it among friends, not publicly, as if that excuses her actions. If she does not want her actions to be those of a public official, she should not have accepted elected office.

Shortly afterward, Wennstrom participated in the Stitcher podcast released September 1 that revealed much about the YMCA’s failures to safeguard children, including Adams’ bizarre, unsolicited claim that he was so blind — due to not wearing his eyeglasses, though he was on duty as a children’s caretaker — he had trouble seeing around the women’s showers.

The podcaster, a fellow named Garrison, repeatedly expressed his misogynist contempt for women. He’s a man who says he’s been taking hormones for a year, presumably testosterone suppressants. Somehow that qualifies him to judge which women are really feminists and which are “so-called feminists,” the latter identified as any woman who does not embrace transgender ideology and holds to biological truths about men and women.

The podcast also interviewed some anonymous local residents who disclosed they’ve been training themselves in “gun clubs” with members of the “queer community” and people who say they are trans. They claim they are “getting this really good organic network building throughout the community” to kick Jaman “out of their businesses on sight.” Despite all the calls for calm and the prudent discretion of other city officials (with the exception of the warped Mayor), Wennstrom chose to participate in this broadcast.

Contrary to the desires of anonymous thugs on Stitcher, Jaman has not been kicked out of any Port Townsend business. She is not having to do all her shopping and dining in Silverdale and Sequim. Instead, she has been given surprising support from local businesses. I was interviewing her when she received well-wishes from the head of one of downtown’s largest business operations. On that same day she had received several letters of support, including one envelope with a gift of cash. The only operation that has excluded Jaman is the YMCA.

Lies and Agitprop

According to Wennstrom’s podcast statements, Julie Jaman “attacked” the young man in the women’s shower area and “made a jerk of herself.” Further, the Port Townsend Free Press itself was responsible for causing the mob scenes, the Proud Boys event, the months of disruption and civic discord and PT’s bad international press. “Right wing media” piled on and Amy Sousa tried “to force her way” into the Mountain View Pool to film patrons as they were undressing, Wennstrom lied. And, Proud Boys are everywhere, also PTFP‘s fault.

Wennstrom uttered so many false, derogatory and inflammatory statements in her few minutes in the interview, it’s difficult to believe anything she said.

She is apparently greatly impressed by Port Townsend Free Press’ impact. She thinks we have the ability to ignite a global firestorm about the trampling of women’s rights in little Port Townsend. She says we got “so many” facts wrong, and in the same breath accuses us of not reporting that Adams was a YMCA employee. Hold on, councilor Wennstrom… that’s contradicted by the fourth sentence of PTFP‘s first report about the incident, which states: “The woman [Jaman] had to stand naked in the presence of the male, a YMCA employee, despite her pleas that he leave.”

In blaming — crediting? — Port Townsend Free Press for igniting the firestorm Wennstrom completely ignores the broader coverage — much of it original — from the feminist and LGB media (that’s lesbian, gay and bi-sexual, and no “T” for transgender). While PTFP wrote the first story, it was the widely-followed Reduxx that launched it nationwide. Reduxx describes itself as a publication of “pro-woman and pro-child safeguarding and commentary.

While Adams’ name was available in the police reports (that’s how we identified the man in the woman’s bathing suit described by Jaman), Reduxx was first to publish a photo of Adams in connection with the story. They didn’t have to dig very deep. Adams has published his photo for the world to see on a GoFundMe page, where he is asking for money so he can pay for amputation of his penis and testicles and cutting of his vocal chords.

And though our photos and initial reporting were sometimes used or mentioned, coverage by Matt Osborne of LGB United (a lesbian, gay and bi-sexual platform) propelled the story even further. Post Millenial journalist Andy Ngo and Substack commentator Mattie Watkins were the first to uncover Mayor David Faber’s sordid, sick alter-ego in which he identifies himself as a “chickenfucker,” discusses sex with a dog, defends child pornography and public masturbation, and aligns himself with a YouTube character who calls for decriminalization of child pornography and lowering the age of consent so adults can have sex with children. Then Mandy Stadtmiller, a New York magazine and former Penthouse columnist, asked aloud in an article by the same title, “Why is Self-Described ‘Pervert and Deviant’ Mayor David Faber So Excited About Terrorizing an 80-Year Old Woman Who Doesn’t Want Men in Little Girls’ Changing Rooms?

We did not write the first coverage of the mobbing and bullying of women permitted by the City of Port Townsend on August 15. Osborne beat us to it. He had his story up within hours of Julie Jaman and her daughter being escorted to their car by four Highway Patrol officers.

We did enjoy unprecedented traffic to our website, far more readers in those days than the Peninsula Daily News and The Leader regularly attract. But our big numbers pale in comparison to the readership in the hundreds of thousands of the Twitter posts and stories by Osborne, Sousa and Watkins, and the more than a million hits we understand Reduxx got on its Twitter posts.

Left Wingers Now “Extreme Right Wing”

That was all separate and independent of what Wennstrom may consider “right wing media,” unless she dumps women’s advocates, lesbians, gays and bisexuals fighting against pedophilia and the sexualizing and grooming of children into her mental “right wing” basket of deplorables. Mayor Faber apparently does, as he dismisses all those concerned about men around naked women and girls — including rape survivors — as suffering from “right wing moral panic.”

Wennstrom labelled The Port Townsend Free Press as “extreme right wing” and “the blog of one person.”

How did we earn the “extreme right wing” label? By writing about how a mob shouted down, intimidated and bullied a rape victim and a Black woman pleading for the same rights and consideration as claimed by people who call themselves transgender? Or was it by reporting on how the cobalt needed for those expensive electric cars being purchased by First World white progressives is mined by Black adult and child African slaves? Or was it by exposing the waste, fraud and corruption in the Cherry Street Project and the utter foolishness of Fort Worden’s $2 million glamping fiasco?

If that’s not it, maybe it’s the in-depth reporting that undermined the imposition of dictatorial decrees by the Governor and local health officer, coupled with commentary favoring liberty and personal choice? If that’s not it, maybe it’s reporting on how the YMCA banned a family from its facilities for reporting the display of child pornography. And if not that, maybe we’re “extreme right wing” because of those articles opposing turning over public parking spaces to a handful of downtown businesses, and exacerbating the already severe parking problems in our fair city’s commercial core?

One last shot in the dark: were we “extreme right wing” because we were the only media reporting on the human tragedy — the drug abuse, crime and suffering — in the troubled encampment at the Fairgrounds that left one young woman dead and led to another suicide? That’s it… writing about the suffering of the homeless and how they were ignored by the city makes us “extreme right wing”!

The current editors of this publication (I started the Free Press in 2018 but handed it off more than a year ago) would laugh at being called “extreme right wing.” They have been fixtures of PT’s progressive, liberal and peace activist community for decades. And as for this being “the blog of only one person,” this site has published articles by over two dozen authors.

We haven’t surrendered our critical thinking abilities. We do our own research, believe what our eyes and ears tell us, and reach our own conclusions. We’re independent thinkers still capable of seeking objective truths. We are not helplessly, blindly “woke.” To Wennstrom, that equates with “extreme right wing.”

Proud Boys Under Every Rock

Anyone who doesn’t toe Wennstrom’s ideological line is “right wing,” and probably a Proud Boy, too (even if female). For example, Wennstrom brought up the Back the Blue rally organized by wives of local law enforcement. She had been asked if Port Townsend had seen much in the way of large-scale protests, and this was what came to her mind.

As we reported on August 31, 2020, a car and truck parade in support of law enforcement stretched over six miles from H.J. Carroll Park in Chimacum to downtown Port Townsend. I personally counted about 400 vehicles in the cavalcade. A former judge, local business owners, law enforcement families, members of the Rakers car club, and local citizens participated in showing support for law enforcement during a summer when they were under attack by the Port Townsend City Council.

Mayor Faber, then a city councilor, had wanted city police disarmed and there was serious talk of defunding and cutting the police department. Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County (now virtually defunct, along with the international, multi-million dollar scam umbrella organization) tried to humiliate our sheriff and police chief. A KPTZ travesty of a radio program subjected the sheriff to fantastical, delusional accusations from a BLM leader who, in addition to having a long history of substance abuse-related incidents — including crashing his bicycle into the Fort Worden gate and urinating himself — had just months before been arrested for trying to break into an occupied Port Townsend residence.

So the community rallied in huge numbers for the men and women of the Port Townsend Police Department and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office… about which Wennstrom deceived podcast listeners by calling it a Proud Boys event.

That Evil Amy Sousa and Inciting A Mob

Wennstrom has some grudge against Sousa. She leveled personal attacks against Sousa in Facebook comments to her now-deleted post (preserved partially by one of our readers) calling for the expulsion from Port Townsend of all women who don’t like having men in their bathrooms. She implied that Sousa was in this fight just for the money and insinuated that Sousa had caused a young child’s suicide — then disingenuously distanced herself from her own words.

In the Stitcher podcast, she said that Sousa, accompanied by a camera crew “tried to force” her way into the Y’s locker rooms while they were being used by patrons. Wennstrom admits she wasn’t there, but makes the accusation anyway, just as she spread the rumor that Jaman had “attacked” Adams.

Katie Daviscourt, the Rebel News reporter mentioned previously, did politely ask to film in the Y and left when her request was denied. Daviscourt recorded this in her report and you can see her request to film at the 2:22 mark.

That’s not the only lie Wennstrom has spread to inflame people against Sousa, Jaman and her boogey-men of the “right wing media.” In her comments accompanying her hateful “TERFS Out of Port Townsend” call to action, Wennstrom wrote:

“The narrative that’s circulating is that a ‘known pervert’ (sometimes it’s a ‘sex offender’) was masturbsting [sic] and touching/undressing little girls in the locker room. Which is a crime, and would be charged as such. But that’s not even remotely what happened.”

I’ve read almost everything published on the Jaman matter, but I have never seen any allegation anywhere that Adams was masturbating or that he was a sex offender. Jaman distanced herself from claims he had touched the little girls. It was Adams himself in his later Stitcher interview who admitted to touching at least one young girl as she was dressing/undressing.

Wennstrom condemned herself in her own comments when she wrote that “creating outrage from a false or misleading story is part of a larger political playbook.” She herself helped organize the counter-protests against Jaman at the Y and whipped up the crowd that turned into the mob that tore down suffragette flags and called women TERFs and c-nts at the same spot where previous Women’s Marches had rallied.

Indeed, This is Not Over

Conflicts between women’s rights and men invading women’s spaces are being repeated across the country. In Vermont, most of a girls’ high school basketball team was banned from their own locker room because they dared express their true feelings about having to undress in the presence of a young man who calls himself trans, and having to be with him as he undresses and showers. Lawsuits challenging men invading women’s sports are pending in many jurisdictions.  A growing number of states are not tolerating the nonsense of men gaining access to women’s private, vulnerable spaces by putting on a bit of make-up for the day.

Wennstrom and other council members will be asked to issue a proclamation in support of the dignity, safety and privacy of women and girls, as Sousa will be coming back to City Council. It was Wennstrom’s suggestion to issue the proclamation declaring that the city is “especially” supportive of people who call themselves trans. Faber and council members Owen Rowe and Amy Howard have cheered on Adams’ quest for funds to cut off his penis by giving him money to pursue “gender reassignment” surgery.  Where will she and the rest of city council stand when called upon to affirm by official proclamation that women’s rights are human rights?

The meme “Trans Rights are Human Rights” is on yard signs across PT, along with the slogan “Science is Real.” But it is biology that stands in the way of men magically becoming woman. As Mr. Menno’s fun parody song drives home, that persistent Y chromosome that makes men men resides in every cell, sinew, muscle, bone, nerve and speck of brain matter. It does not go away when a man puts on women’s attire and cosmetics — the truly sexist equivalent of blackface.

One last time. If you haven’t watched Mr. Menno’s message, take a few minutes. This is a very gay man speaking through his music and comedy, not someone Wennstrom can blithely deride as “extreme right wing.”

When a skeleton is unearthed, its very structure speaks “male” or “female”.  Transgenderism is denial of science and biology. It is ideology pulling us back to the dark ages when logic, reason and the scientific method were suppressed in service to tribalism and religious orthodoxy. Indeed, transgenderism is best understood as tribalism and a faith system. Only by pounding it into people’s heads — by indoctrination of the impressionable or the intimidation of mobs like those Wennstrom whipped up screaming “Trans women are women” — can this lie take hold. It is the stuff of totalitarianism rooted as it is not in any immutable, verifiable, objective truth, but in a fabricated narrative imposed by various manifestations of force.

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has become a leading opponent of the trans agenda that erases women and sexualizes and victimizes children. She has stood up to attacks far more vicious and threatening than those Wennstrom has leveled against local women. The horrors of the trans agenda now coming to light in the United Kingdom are proving her right. Rowling’s challenge to the “genderists” can be leveled with equal justification against Wennstrom and her fellow council members.

On the heels of revelations about the massive injuries inflicted on children by puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries, Rowling recently wrote in response to the exposure of pedophilia in Britain’s “establishment” trans activist lobby:

“You know, I thought things were pretty bad when you were arguing to put convicted rapists in women’s jails, when you shrugged off masked men roughing up lesbian protestors and tried to shout down de-transitioners talking about what was done to them by ideologically-captured doctors. Women, gay people and vulnerable kids have suffered real harm and you? You cheered it all on. You still prefer wilful blindness and four word mantras to considering you might have got this badly wrong. You became part of an authoritarian, misogynist, homophobic movement and you didn’t even notice. Enjoy the sense of your own righteousness while you can. It won’t last.”


Top photo (L-R): Katie Daviscourt, Julie Jaman, and a Port Townsend Police officer, from Rebel News story YMCA calls police on Julie Jaman after dropping off petition to allow her to swim

Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, then launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our “About” page for more information.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. David Lewis

    So everyone that loves and protects innocence needs to stand up against these sickos, I love it the people are starting to get pissed. That’s what this should do to any sane moral upright person, get up stand up for your rights….

  2. John Opalko

    Thanks Jim. This is a great summary of the events to date.
    We are at a point in history when many of the fantasies of the left are crashing into cold hard reality.

  3. Harvey Windle

    Thanks for the clarifications and updates Jim. One thing I would like to see become “normal” is to call the aberration that sits in the Appointed Mayors seat called the “Appointed Mayor”.

    Many are unaware he is not elected by voters directly and answers only to those who appointed him without much real thought as to his voting record and millions of dollars of damages he is part of, Cherry Street, visitor center plaza, street disrepair, parking chaos, police leaving. And more. He acts as proxy for those on council that unanimously appointed him. Automatically, as this broken system demands.

    The figurehead of this little ship. The crew is……

    David Faber
    Amy Howard
    Libby Wennstrom
    Owen Rowe
    Alisinn Diamanti
    Ben Thomas
    Monica MickHager

    They could remove him but support him blindly. Lockstep and lies. Responsibility rests with them. Look at the definition of sociopath and see who fits it.

    Which brings us to Wennstrom. I sat in on 3 council meetings during the limited notice mess tent takeover. Libby lied and twisted reality there. This current episode is the same methodology, just different subject matter. Her role is as a fact burying bulldozer. Another dull tool supported by past Appointed Mayors according to her campaign website. That makes sense. Meet the new tool. Same as the old tool. No sharpening allowed. Dull gets the job done.

    Much of the political dysfunction over the years lies at the Leader doorstep. Their headline regarding the attack on Sousa, Jaman, other speakers and free speech itself was that it was an “Anti-Trans Rally”. Really?

    Not Pro Womens Rights?

    Some get the government and newspapers they deserve. Lines between the two get blurred.

    Remove Faber. He has removed any last shred of dignity he and the official City of PT may ever have had. Perhaps a cry for help, political suicide by Council? No one dares take aim.

    Council chooses him to continue to represent this broken little town. By doing nothing.

    If I got into Mauro I would surely go on too long.

    Appointed Mayors. I have been advocating for term limits and elected mayors for over 14 years. Get it now?

  4. John C. Hall

    “PT’s bad international press” – despite what Ms. Wennstrom said, The Port Townsend Free Press was not responsible for what she calls bad international press. The roots of bad press are bad actions brought to the light of day. The Port Townsend Free Press was indeed responsible for reporting the facts of the event(s), and for that I say “THANK YOU”.

  5. Ana Wolpin

    In the Rebel News video, the PT police officer (is that Greenspane?) unlocks the Y’s front door, goes inside to talk to whoever is hiding in the now-dark facility, and then comes back out to discuss the situation with Daviscourt, Jaman and Sousa. He tells them that they not only are banned from entering the facility, but must leave the public sidewalk outside the Y or they will be arrested.

    Are not those sidewalks and grounds outside the campus buildings all public space, much like Pope Marine or Chetzemoka Park? That is the public area where previous groups gathered with signs in protest of Jaman’s ban and in counter-protest. Since when is it a crime to gather in the public commons for any peaceful purpose?

    Why is the PT Police Dept,, at the bidding of the YMCA, now preventing access of law-abiding citizens to a public commons?

    • David Lewis

      Yeah it is him, he’s been working for the police literally since he was in high school busting all the parties at Port Townsend High School. Just kids having fun I could tell you some stories about this town that would drop you’re jaw, funny thing is right when I saw that picture I thought wow he looks really baked 🤣. Something is really wrong in Jefferson County Wa and it starts at the top

    • J Gayspane

      Clementine Adams is my daughter. My beautiful female daughter! If you can’t handle that then your a terf! And I’m a dolphin! If you can’t see that, well, then your blind! Look at that picture of clementine lol that’s a woman hahah !!! J Greenspan’s out. Get off my block ! Walk fifty miles in high heels then talk to me!

  6. Steve Moore

    It is SO lucky that there are a few dead horses around for your to beat on (over and over again) – else there would be very little for you to do here at the Free Press. Julie obviously has very little else going on in her life and you are helping to keep her story perking along. Attack-trained journalism does get a bit tiresome after awhile. Just sayin’.

    • Jim Scarantino

      Thanks for reading our work. This story is just part of something much larger. To follow developments beyond our fair environs, you might want to follow Gays Against Groomers, Kara Dansky of Women’s Human Rights Campaign, and, of course, J.K. Rowling’s writings and activism to protect women and children from this trans insantiy. The work of LGB United here and in the UK is also quite informative and very well written. You can also stop back here for latest developments on the local front because, as Ms. Jaman says, “This isn’t over.”

  7. insanitybytes22

    Good article!

    It’s so ironic to me, back when the car and truck parade in support of law enforcement was happening, I was actually pouring coffee for two friendly young men who “self identified” as Proud Boys. They were both very dark, practically the only minorities in town at the time. I’ve never been a fan of labels like “extremist,” but the contrast that day between what I was hearing and what was right before my eyes was pretty comical.

    Over the years, thanks in part to the misleader, I have learned a great deal about not taking things at face value, not believing everything you’re told, and even not believing everything you think. “You do not know what you think you know.” Labels are sloppy and lazy, they serve only to silence and dismiss people. We are all individuals and there are stories within us worth listening to. Ironically, this used to be a liberal value, a hallmark of lefties everywhere.

  8. Stephen Schumacher

    Tomorrow October 12, 7:00-8:30pm, the Y at 1625 Blaine Street is hosting a “Community Visioning & Information Session” described on a postcard received today as follows:

    “Jefferson Healthcare, Port Townsend School District, and the Olympic Peninsula YMCA will host a visioning and information session about the new Early Learning and Family Support Center proposed to be built on the Port Townsend High School Campus. The information session will give the community a chance to learn more about the proposal and provide opportunities for participants to contribute to concept and design ideas in this early phase of development.”

    I wonder how wide a circle received these notification postcards and what this project may portend.

  9. Rich Germeau

    Great article!!! Great Response Harvey… “Never Interrupt Your Enemy While Its In The Process Of Destroying Itself”… “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”

  10. Doug Edelstein

    Referring to or quoting Rebel News undermines any credibility anyone could hope to have in any issue. Same goes for Epoch Times. Neither is a legitimate news organization. Readers of this site deserve better.

    • Jim Scarantino

      That’s the very sort of woke mind-freeze against which the Free Press stands. Your comment also, by implication, recognizes us as a “legitimate” news platform. That’s why you want to protect us from “illegitimate” platforms, right? Thanks.

      • Trump Was Right About Everything

        Interesting how no so-called legitimate news organizations are covering the fact that a Pfizer executive in sworn testimony in Amsterdam yesterday said the COVID-19 vaccine Pfizer produces was never tested to find if it stopped transmission of the Covid virus, before or during the time when the vaccinations were released to and forced upon the public. Countless lives were lost because people were told that if they loved their grandparents, they needed to take the vaccine so as not to transmit the virus. This was a lie. Pfizer admitted under oath it had not been tested for that purpose.

        Again, not ONE so-called legitimate news organization have I found which is covering the story. Doug Adelstein would do well to wake up and start searching for the truth along new avenues. The old ways are not working anymore.

        All these formerly-counterculture arrogant navel-gazers up here refuse to see that their ways and their ideals have destroyed this nation and certainly have destroyed this city. They blather on, parroting the same old wrongheaded ideals with the same old results. The very definition of insanity.

        Funny how they’re so worried about “legitimate news sources”, but 50 years ago they read Rolling Stone to get their news. At the time it was not considered anywhere near a legitimate news source and yet they held onto every printed drunken word. Gonzo, anyone? Oh, the irony.

      • Doug Edelstein

        The term “woke” was initially used to recognize that there is plenty to wake up to in American life — particularly systemic, institutional racism, which exists and must be solved if we are to have a just society. To be woke was a compliment; it meant that you had realized, through research or attention to legitimate research, that some populations in the United States have systemically baked-in advantages, and others have parallel disadvantages, and that you are committed to helping open up the good life in America to everyone. Then bigots like Tucker Carlson and others chose to look at the term like it was a way of “oppressing” whites, that “wokeness” means white-hating or hetero-normative hating, which is an absurdity that Carlson, the white power movement, opportunistic amoral politicians like Ron DeSantis and most Republican leaders, and others have made into a sneering description of liberals in general — as though justice is something anyone should sneer at. The Right has (successfully) used the term “woke” to whip up white racial resentment, as if prosperity and equality in America are a zero-sum equation where if everybody’s treated as equal, white hetero people lose something. In fact, to pursue equality under the law, and a just society, is inherently American and the results of that struggle benefit everyone. So thanks for saying I’m woke, Jim — appreciate the compliment. I wish you were more so.
        As for my “mind-freeze,” I suppose that means you think I’m locked into a mindset, presumably liberal or progressive. FYI I read all kinds of media platforms and do my best to think critically about all of them. The difference between some of the sources you and other PTFP writers sometimes use, though, is that serious journalism has rules. Everybody should know what they are — acknowledging and correcting mistakes, using credible, authoritative, cross-checked news sources, fairly citing the other side, strictly obeying journalistic ethics, etcetera. When employees of reputable news sources fail to do that, they can get fired and certainly disciplined. The NYT, just as one example, goes through endless paroxysms of self-examination when they get a big story wrong, and often, heads roll.
        Not that serious platforms don’t have bias — they do. Yours does, WAPO does. (That’s why they say America has a free press if you own one.) But an essential skill necessary for people who live in this democratic republic is the critical thinking skill of identifying bias. That’s an essential element of civic education; I taught it for 23 years (with varying success) in the public schools — you have to identify the bias of a publication and deal with it through identifying credible sources.

        It’s the credible sources that are an ongoing issue with PTFP. So sometimes your stories seem credible. Other times, no way. For a platform that perports to be a news service that challenges the mainstream press, “sometimes” isn’t good.

        • Rich Germeau

          Dude you need to “WAKE” from your slumber… Its called “The Great Awakening”… We are all together in this… We all need to recognize our enemies,,, who they actually are and who they are actually not…

          This is not an issue of Progressive vs Conservative,,, Republican vs Democrat… These tactics of putting people against each other are ancient tactics of control and manipulation… Its how few control many…

          We are a captured Country,, State and County… That is what you call it when you are under an occupation derived by a joint opp of massive election fraud administrated by local government/media and protected by the compromised judicial system… Why do you think we had Military at the US capitol in DC and in many of the states guarding the capitols after the stolen elections??? They had to guard what they had stolen from the American people…

          Anyways the trans movement is about normalizing pedophiles,,, making grooming an open game that nobody can say anything about… These people are corrupt,,, republicans and democrats are both corrupt… Pedophiles run this state behind the scenes,, with the help from law firms…

  11. Doug Edelstein

    PTFP did a legit job in your critical editorials on the Cherry Street project and probably others I have missed. But your recent campaigns against the rights of trans people, and especially their right to exist at all, use opinions as if they are facts, and illegitimate news sources. Epoch Times and Rebel News, as well as others I see cited by your writers in this issue and many other pieces, are not responsible sources, and that degrades the credibility of the entire site. Everybody’s entitled to their opinion of course; like belly buttons, everybody’s got one. But opinion isn’t fact. And fact requires a journalistic process of seeking and using the legitimate range of authoritative sources, checking, rechecking and confirming.

  12. Doug Edelstein

    First, anyone who lectures about credibility and uses a false name has issues with credibility. Second, saying that “Trump was right about everything” — and using it as your handle — indicates no interest in facts or critical thinking. Third, you said that not one mainstream news service covered a story. That is not evidence that the story is true or false. If Trump is your only credible source of reality, note that Trump reportedly often whines about how no one gives him credit for these vaccines — that you say are no good. Which is it?

  13. Howie C

    “Mayor Faber, do you believe Julie Jaman deserves to have her boundaries respected?”
    “not if her boundaries are transphobic.”
    “So if she doesn’t believe a man is a woman just because that man makes the claim to be a woman, that’s transphobic?”
    “bigot. If they identify as a woman don’t call them a man.”
    “Do white men lie?”
    “White men. Do they ever lie?”
    “i don’t see where you’re going…”
    “There’s one claim a white man can make that cannot be questioned: ‘I am a woman.’ And it eliminates the most impassable of boundaries– this claim allows them to see naked women and expose themselves to women while naked. That’s the ONE claim a white man can make, that can never be questioned.”

  14. Crystal Cox

    Katie Daviscourt of Rebel News, a big supporter of Julie Jaman and Woman’s rights in Port Townsend and elsewhere, was assaulted by Antifa Militants this weekend in Renton, these Militants are aligned with the agenda of the City of Port Townsend. The City will not or cannot protect the citizens of Port Townsend from the Violence of Antifa Militants. https://twitter.com/i/status/1601734400651452417



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